One absolutely essential element of building a private practice is to have a good website. During this post, I will be explaining why your website is so important and my number one recommendation to create the best online therapy website.
Why you need a Website
It is quite clear that these days, most of our time is spent online in one way or another. The most popular place that a client is going to find out about your private practice is either through word of mouth or online. Whilst we can’t do too much to control word of mouth (other than provide a good service), we can do a lot to create an online presence and make sure that clients are seeing our website when they are looking for a Counsellor.
I would estimate that about 75% of my clients come through online searches and when I was first setting up a private practice, I relied 100% on Google to build my practice from scratch. In under a month, I had a full private practice in a new city as a brand new practitioner.
Whilst this may sound like a brag, my reason for mentioning this is that it has proven to me that just through creating a good website and making it visible to potential clients, you can realistically expect to have a full private practice in a short amount of time.
Your online shop window
Your website is going to be the most important and most used asset for people to find out about you and hopefully gain all the information they need to make that first step to getting in touch.
It will also be the place that you send any potential clients or connections in a very short and easy to share way.
Having a online Therapy website is almost like having a virtual business card or portal into all the information that someone would need to know about you. If you want to pass on your details or give someone a better picture of what you offer, rather than having to explain every detail there and then, you just need to give them your website and they have everything they need in their hands.
The great benefit for you is that you will only have to write everything out once and you can get it just how you want it. Then potential clients can visit it at any hour they like, spend as much time as they wish and it is there for everyone as a great resource and shop window for your counselling services.
My Number One Recommendation – Webhealer
I have been using the same website company for my private practice for ten years because they offer everything you need in an online Therapy website, in a very simple and clear way. (You can see my website here if you are interested.)
The company that I am talking about is Webhealer and I have managed to organise a special offer with them for readers of Chris The Counsellor.
Part of the simplicity of Webhealer, is that they have set designs which make your website look professional and modern without having to have any design, computer or artistic skills.
However, if you use the Chris The Counsellor referral code CM7414 when you sign up for Webhealer, then you will get £50 off!
These designs are one-off designs (known as a Silver Design) that cannot be used by other Therapists (Unlike the standard templates) and so will help your website stand out.
As well as professional, catchy designs, Webhealer makes designing websites very easy, as you just need to write the text in the right section and Webhealer will do the rest. If for some reason you are struggling, then their support is fantastic (I have used it many times) and they have many guides explaining the process in simple steps.
As well as this, you can try out building a website completely free for 2 weeks by signing up on their website –
If you do decide to sign up to Webhealer past the 2 weeks trial, then quote the unique Chris The Counsellor referral code CM7414 in your sign up form and you will get £50 off and a free silver design to make the deal even sweeter!
Although this does sound like a cheesy sales pitch, I don’t have any affiliation with Webhealer, other than using them for my own website. I thought if I am genuinely going to be recommending this company, why not try and get a lovely deal for you in the process – it doesn’t hurt to ask right?! So apologies for sales pitch mode, but it really is all genuine and my recommendation came before the offer I managed to sort out for you guys!!
The next blog in this series will be looking at what to include on your website – click here to read more